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A non-profit domestic rabbit rescue, adoption and education organization.



BunnyPeople does not approve outside housing of rabbits.

Reasons for this policy are:



The adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is most pertinent in bunny care. Common medications used to treat most pets are toxic to rabbits and can cause death. This is why it is vital to choose a veterinarian knowledgeable in rabbit care. A clean living environment, balanced diet and exercise are the building blocks for a healthy bunny. Rabbits living outdoors and rabbits allowed “run time” outdoors are at risk for a variety of serious health threats.



A well-balanced diet with variety will go a long way in keeping your bunny happy and healthy. Always provide unlimited fresh timothy hay and fresh water. Good quality fresh pellets purchased from a pet or feed store and given in limited quantities are best. The freshness of grocery and discount store pellets is questionable. Refrain from buying store-bought rabbit treats unless they are an Oxbow product; there is very little, if any, nutritional value in them and they are generally loaded with sugar.
