Hello, I'm Natalie Pavlovec.

About Me

I'm a 29-year-old brunette Czechoslovakian and Polish woman who was born and raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I'm a Designer. I create to communicate. I create to inspire. I create because it's my passion. I specialize in Photography, Hand Lettering & Web Design. I was self-taught for six years before venturing into college. Now I'm ready to venture into the Design field. I learned to walk. Now I'm ready to fly!

Graphic & Web Design

Self-Taught, HACC, and Millersville University.

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  • Print
  • Web

My Skills

What would you like to know?

Graphic Design

This is where I realized I can become a "jack of all trades." Broadened my knowledge from GIMP 2.6 & Adobe Photoshop to the Adobe Creative Suite. Graphic Design has also introduced me to Animation. You can view graphics I make in my free time & animations I have created on my Instagram.

Web Design

Graphic Design lead me here. I have developed a deep interest in web design, and became advanced in HTML & CSS. Web Design has directed me to Experience Design, which I am now beginning to develop a deep interest for.


My grandfather is an expert in Photography, so I picked it up from him. Started out in Film Photography, which eventually lead me to Digital Photography. I create my own photos, photo edits, & photo manipulations. I'm an owner of a Canon Rebel T3i DSLR Camera. Photography is what eventually lead me to Graphic Design. Currently, I am obsessed with chasing waterfalls, and I'm beginning research to start photographing lightning.

Hand Lettering

Currently self-taught. Graphic Design lead me to discover Hand-Lettering, most of my progress is on my Instagram.


Started getting into Drawing after Painting. Gained most of my drawing skills from classes in high school and college.


Picked up painting from my grandfather. Became a hobby, started painting to discover different techniques and try different things, which eventually lead me to painting "pop-art" style paintings.

Are You Looking For a Dedicated, Driven, Creative?

Contact Me

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio website.

Mon - Fri 09:00am – 11:00am